Bar Charts in D3.JS : a step-by-step guide

Let's learn how to create a bar chart in D3.js. To access the entire code for this tutorial, follow this link. First a few basic concepts. SVG: SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics and is commonly used to display a variety of graphics on the web. SVG is nothing more than simple text files that…


#1. Bar charts require a zero based scale

This series is a collection of small changes in data visualization that make a big difference to the end result. When using bar charts, the axis needs to start at zero. Why? Its simpler to understand this if we start with an example. This chart below was used by Twitter in its IPO filing. What do you…


Reframe for clarity

As data viz creators, we are in a constant battle between the multiple ways in which we can present our data to an audience. Which is the best way to present the data? It depends. There is no one best way. But a good practice to follow is to choose one with clarity. Let me…


Overtourism Vs Undertourism

Dataset The dataset for MakeOverMonday project is hosted on Original Visualization What works in the original visualization? The visual represents the overtourism and undertoursim magnitudes in a single graph. The terms overtourism and undertourism are explained well. What doesn't work in the original visualization? Circular shapes are not best suited for comparison and I…

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Read more about the article Comparing change through time

Comparing change through time

A clustered bar chart is one of the most commonly used representations to compare change through time. A clustered bar chart, though a good option to compare values, does not represent the change through time effectively. Here is some data on which technology products consumers intend to buy in 2016 and how it compares against…

Read more about the article Makeover Monday – Andy’s Amex usage

Makeover Monday – Andy’s Amex usage

This week's MakeoverMonday data is on Andy Kriebel's Amex card transactions for 2016. My goal with this visualization was to understand and highlight two aspects of Andy's credit card usage. Where does he spend the most money and what are the nature of the transactions? Does he spend a lot of money at once? Or…

Read more about the article Horizontal and vertical bullet charts in excel

Horizontal and vertical bullet charts in excel

Bullet Charts were developed by Stephen Few to replace the meters and gauges that are often used in business dashboards. Here is one such dashboard from Oracle BI Discoverer tool. The idea of gauges and meters is borrowed from an automobile dashboard where they are used to display data in a small amount of space.…