Connected scatterplots: explained with an example
A connected scatterplot is a scatterplot with a third ordered variable used to connect the encoding between X and Y positions. This third variable is often time.
A connected scatterplot is a scatterplot with a third ordered variable used to connect the encoding between X and Y positions. This third variable is often time.
Original Analysis of the original Here are a series of questions I use to analyse a chart. Where are my eyes drawn?: My eyes are drawn to the blue arc for G7 average. What works in this visual?: The circular bars are sorted. Good use of colors to represent countries and average. Identify clutter, make…
Let’s talk about what to use instead of dual axis charts. Here are 5 alternatives – Side-by-side charts. 2 charts labelled directly, Prioritizing and levelling, connected scatterplot and indexed charts.
We sometimes come across a dataset that stumps us. The Philadelphia Real Estate Transfers was one such dataset for me. Inspired by Eva Murray’s work, I decided to use a cycle plot here.
This month’s #SWDChallenge was to visualize a specific dataset and create visualization(s) to answer specific questions. This is different from an open-ended data analysis where we go on looking for interesting stories in the data. Most often in our jobs, we use data visualization to communicate answers to predefined questions – for example, who are…
My aim with this makeover was to create a chart that shows the relation between Obstetrics Fistula (OF) and lifetime maternal deaths in various countries.
Like with most other charts, dual axis charts have their good and bad. They are often used to compare two data series in a small amount of space.